Blog no. 65 Editing Reflection

While editing, I managed to put together my short piece of footage together in away that looked quite good and made a little bit of sense. There were some parts of it thatI would like to have changed as there were some parts where the camera was wonky and what I wanted the shot to look like, didn’t turn out that way. Another thing that wasn’t to my taste was some continuity errors. There is a moment whereby the actress puts up her hood and in the next shot it is suddenly down again. I would’ve liked to have fixed that as well.

I do feel that there is not enough of story but there is a big build up, whichI feel ruins the feel of the short film a little bit.

Blog no. 63 Filming reflection.

So, while filming, I had a great time, I enjoyed finding good shots and experimenting with the camera. But the one problem with what happened is that half way through filming, my camera died and I did not have a camera charger! it meant that I could film everything that I wanted too. I feel it ended without a proper story. But after I edited the film, it went together quite nicely and it looks really good.

Blog no. 62 Stanley Kubrick Essay

Stanley Kubrick, a very famous film director, responsible for some of the greatest films like the Shining and Full Metal Jacket has been noticed throughout his career as a legendary man yet controversial.

We watched four of his films to really get an understanding of his way of working and what he’s like. My two favourite films were The Shining and Full Metal Jacket, both are very different yet similar in their own way due to the fact Stanley Kubrick follows a certain pattern with his filming.

The Shining is significant because it touches upon so many different things like abuse in the family, paranormal activity and metal health. The Shining is so incredibly vague and open for interpretation. Sure, it follows a story but aspects of the film as so very mysterious, especially when it comes to the ghosts of the hotel. Or Jacks hallucinations.

When the film begins and we see Jack talk to the manager about the hotel, the manager mentions a family that were murdered by the father of the family due to a mental illness he developed because he was in such isolation, as the hotel was in the middle of nowhere, in the depths of Oregon, America. This inspires the rest of the film for the audience as when we do see Jacks eventual downfall, some may argue that it was all the metal illness doing it too him rather than ghosts. Especially with the hallucinations, the scene in the bathroom whereby Jack is talking to the man who previously murdered his entire family in the hotel. But there are aspects of the film that indicate ghosts like Danny being able to see them and hear them. Also, at the end when Jack is seen in the picture as a man from 1920’s, it suggests theres an afterlife in the hotel.

Some fan theories however, speculate a much darker idea of sexual abuse in the family, between Danny and his father Jack. There are many hints throughout the film, like the bear performing a sexual act on the man, or the woman in the bath. To put it shortly, some speculate that the woman in the bath is Jack seeing himself as Danny sees him when Jack abuses Danny. It is an interesting theory that only Kubrick knows.

YouTube. 2018. THE SHINING: Danny’s ordeal and the bear costumed man – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2018].

With Full Metal Jacket, it was based off the Vietnam war and covers topics like how soldiers treat their guns, how soldiers are treated as well by fellow soldiers and Majors. It also questions the idea of war, similarly to Dr Strangelove.

At the same time, it also lightens the idea of war through comedy and showing strong relationships between characters. The nicknames like Joker and Cowboy also make the whole film seem a bit nicer, along with funny moment like when they meet the prostitute and she tells them she loves them “long time”.

Some theories suggest that Private Pyle is Animal Mother.

Image result for animal lover and private pyle full metal jacketImage result for animal lover and private pyle full metal jacket

Some fans argue that these two are the same people. The argument goes that Stanley Kubrick has experimented with duality in his films before, like in Dr Strangelove, one actor played multiple people. So the theory goes that these two are the same people and the scene where by Private Pyle shoots himself is in fact a dream sequence. People argue that they look very alike, they’re both big men and they both praise and love their rifles.

Fans also argue that when Joker and Animal Mother meet, they have a back and forth, whereby Animal Lover questions Jokers toughness, similar to how they were back at the training camp. Fans also argue that Joker shows a sign of duality as well, by wearing a peace symbol on his jacket and having “born to kill” written on his helmet.

And finally, the idea that the shooting of the General was all a dream is later on in the film, another General asks Joker if his badge and helmet are some kind of sick joke, which is what the General back at the camp asked Private Pyle when he had the gun and shot himself. Fans argue that this shooting scene was in fact some sick joke, and a depiction of what Private Pyle wanted to do to the General. Meaning, Animal Mother could well be Private Pyle, as they argue he didn’t actually shoot himself, it was a dream.

YouTube. 2018. MOVIE CONSPIRACY THEORY FULL METAL JACKET Pvt Pyle is Animal Mother – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2018].

So, these two films have obvious opposites. One being the fact that Full Metal Jacket is about war and is set in Vietnam and The Shining is set in America and is about mental illness and ghosts. But these aspects can be compared.

In the Shining, the idea of isolation is drilled into the audience, as the hotel is far away from any settlements and the snow makes it even more difficult to escape form the hotel as well. In Full Metal Jacket, in the beginning when we meet and see the bullying of Private Pyle, we actually see him get isolated from the group, similarly to The Shining. Along with isolation in the Shining, we see Jack eventually go crazy and lose control of his actions. Similarly in Full Metal Jack, Private Pyle also goes crazy due to everyone in the Marines isolating him from the group.

Another similar aspect is war, one being literal in Full Metal Jacket and the other being more metaphorical in The Shining. In Full Metal Jacket, we obviously see that there is war on, The Vietnam war. But at the same time, there are self wars with the characters. Once again, Private Pyle is seen battling with himself due to being weaker than the rest. But we also see a war between Private Pyle and the rest of the group as he keeps doing the wrong thing so they have to pay for his actions.

In the Shining, the war is between all of the family members. Poor Wendy finds herself in a war with Jack as she tries to protect herself, Danny and jack on the other hand find themselves in a war with themselves. Especially with Jack as we see him go crazy, and argues with the ghost or hallucination of the previous murderer.

The four films we watched were legendary films and in box office all of them did incredibly well. Here are the stats:

  • Dr StrangeLove: Domestic Total Gross: $9,164,370
    Domestic Lifetime Gross: $9,440,272   
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) – Box Office Mojo. 2018. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) – Box Office Mojo. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2018].
  • Full Metal Jacket: Domestic Total Gross: $46,357,676 
    Full Metal Jacket (1987) – Box Office Mojo. 2018. Full Metal Jacket (1987) – Box Office Mojo. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2018].
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey: Domestic Total Gross: $56,715,371
    Domestic Lifetime Gross: $56,954,992 
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) – Box Office Mojo. 2018. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) – Box Office Mojo. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2018].
  • The Shining: Domestic Total Gross: $44,017,374
    Domestic Lifetime Gross: $44,360,123
The Shining (1980) – Box Office Mojo. 2018. The Shining (1980) – Box Office Mojo. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2018].

When it comes to Stanley Kubrick himself, and his style of filming, one pattern that we can see throughout the films is symmetry. Kubrick had a love for symmetry and vanishing points, which is what stands out so much in his work. He was also a big fan of classical music in his films as well like in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Image result for symmetry in a space odyssey  Image result for symmetry in full metal jacket  Image result for symmetry in dr strangelove  Image result for symmetry in shining

Blog no. 61

So I have just finished researching Victorian women, clothes and Lewis Carroll. It was quite interesting to see what it was like back then for women as they were seen as morally superior yet had so many expectations put against them. It was also interesting to learn about what women wore back then as well. 

When it came to learning about Lewis Carroll, I discovered that Alice in Wonderland was inspired by a real young girl called Alice that Carroll knew. I was surprised to find out that Lewis Carroll wasn’t his real name either, his real name being Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, he used a stage name. 

I think what really threw me was finding out that there is a controversy behind Carroll because of his rather strange relationships with children, picturing them nude and having close relationships with them. It is said that he was banned from Christ Church due to unknown reasons, some speculate it was because of his relationship with the underage children.

YouTube. 2018. BBC The Secret World of Lewis Carroll – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2018].

As well as research, I completed my proposal, script, risk assessment and a rough kit list which is all on my WordPress blog under the category “Stanley K”.

Blog no. 59 Research for Kubricks Garden

My film is going to be inspired by Alice in Wonderland, following a fantasy theme, set in the old era. My actor, will be fair and blonde, similar to Alice and it will be outdoors in a garden/ forest setting, keeping to the idea of Alice in Wonderland.


Victorian dresses

In the time of Alice in Wonderland, women would wear tight fitting corsets, their waits would be pulled together to make it significantly slimmer, often causing a lot of pain. 

Their dresses and skirts would have many layers to make the waist appear larger and the waist seem smaller, this would be hot and uncomfortable in the summer. The corset would also lift up their breasts to give women the desirable shape. 

Corsets & Crinolines in Victorian Fashion – Victoria and Albert Museum. 2018. Corsets & Crinolines in Victorian Fashion – Victoria and Albert Museum. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 March 2018].

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Young girls would also wear similar clothing to grown women, from about 16 they would wear corsets but before that, they wore ankle-length skirts and aprons.

Victorian Children. 2018. Victorian Dress and Victorian Style Clothing – Victorian Children. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 March 2018].

Women in Victorian Society

At this period in time, gender roles were very much enforced. Women and daughter would stay at home to fulfil domestic chores while the men and sons went off to work and bring home the bacon. It was thought that women were biologically, physically weaker that men yet morally superior  than men, making them good for completing domestic chores. Some woman who lived close to their husbands business would occasionally help out with accounting and customer serve while also completing domestic tasks. 

Education included having a thorough knowledge of music, reading, dancing and drawing but not being too clever as this wasn’t seen as feminine and so it was unattractive to men. Back then, some doctors even claimed that to much study for a women would ruin her ovaries! 

When some of the biggest universities opened their doors to women, many families wouldn’t et their bright minded daughters attend due to the fear of them become unattractive and not going on to marry.

Back then, women were highly expected to wait till marriage before engaging in any kind of sexual activity, it is even said that women were not even allowed to speak to men unless there was married woman present to chaperone them. 

The British Library. 2018. Gender roles in the 19th century – The British Library. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 March 2018].

Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland, was born in 1832 on the 27th of January . His real name, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was the eldest boy of 11 children, he enjoyed created and writing games as a child. At the age of 20 he was offered a studentship and became a maths lecturer, while doing so, he still enjoyed writing stories as he was quite a shy man. 

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Carroll was very good at maths while growing up and won many awards due to his excellence. While being a lecturer he also was a fan of photography and enjoyed writing essays as well as political texts and poetry too. 

It is said that Carroll had a bad stammer but found it easier to speak when talking to children. Due to his love of entertaining children, it is thought that it inspired a lot of his stories and work. A friend of Carroll’s said that he would tell fantastic stories of dream worlds. It was only after an afternoon picnic did Carroll first share his ideas to his sisters which soon became Alice in Wonderland.

He eventually wrote the book Alices Adventures in Wonderland which then led on to a sequel, Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. By the time of his death, they were the most popular children’s books in the world. 

Biography. 2018. Lewis Carroll – Author – Biography. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 March 2018].



Blog no. 58 A schedule of my film.

Days of filming:

17th and 18th of March.

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What will I need:

  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Boom box for music
  • The Set (being the garden)
  • The Actress (and her outfit)

The outfit                     Makeup:Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 11.32.29.png



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Plan B:

If the weather was to take a dramatic turn and made it difficult to film outside, I would instead film inside, following a similar idea to what I have already planned.

Current Plan

Monday: 12th March

Storyboard, upload test shots and pictures.

Email/ Talk to James about Equipment.

Tuesday: 13th March

Start Kubrick essay

Wednesday: 14th March

Collect equipment from James and finish storyboard

Saturday: 17th March


Monday: 19th March

Start editing

Tuesday: 20th March

Finish editing, upload.


Blog no. 57 Kubrick Proposal


UAL Awarding Body – Level 3 Diploma


Project Proposal


Name Freya Taylor
Pathway Level 2 Creative Media: Film and TV
Project Title Stanley Kubrick
Section 1: Rationale (Approx 100 words)
What are you bringing to this project from what you have learnt on the course so far?

As this is a Stanley Kubrick inspired project, I hope to use aspects of his films in my project, especially the idea of symmetry throughout. I will obviously be using classical music like Kubrick too.


I will also hope to use long corridors in my project as well as they were used in a lot in Kubricks film, like the Shining. I will also use interesting colours and lighting to show the inspiration from Kubricks films.


Section 2: Project Concept (approx 200 words)
Clearly explain the concept and aims of your project, the research and ideas that support its development.

So, the film will start with a young girl, sitting on the grass, dressed head to toe with black, wearing a black cloak and skirt with maybe a blouse and with a bored look on her face. There will be an establishing shot with her in the beginning. It will then zoom in to her face, her sighing and looking over to her side. She will then stand up and go for a walk around the garden that she’s in.


Within the garden, she will dance and mess around, within all the symmetry and long paths and walkways. She will show all kinds of different emotions as we follow her through her journey of boredom. It will appear as though she is playing out different scenarios, playing make believe in her head. The overall feel will be that of a rather moody one, and dramatic as well. She will appear a rather odd sock, as she prances round the garden by herself.

My film will be Alice in Wonderland inspired, making it seem dreamy and fantasy inspiredScreen Shot 2018-03-06 at 15.18.24.png

It will also have an old style feel as well.

Section 3: Evaluation (approx 50 words)
How will you reflect and evaluate your work?

When it comes to evaluation and reflection, I will look at how closely I stuck to my idea and how well I pulled it off. I will also focus on how much it can match to Stanley Kubricks work as well, if there is symmetry and if the composition looks good as well.

I will also reflect on what I would’ve changed at the end of it, especially if something goes wrong during filming. For example the weather may not perfect for how I want the finished piece to look.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
I hope to research the different effects music can have on someone, I also want to research Kubricks style of filming so I can interpret it into my own filming.


So far, my research includes watching some of Kubricks films and writing up about the aspects of them and the features of them. Like, in the Shining the symmetry of the long corridors, and the carpet. Similar to this is the symmetry of the corridor in the space ship in the Space Odyssey.


Other research includes looking at documentaries of Kuberick and the life he lead, before becoming a big director, he was a massive photography fan before enjoying film. We also saw how he likes to use books to inspire and come up with his stories as well as the attitude he had in the Shining towards the actors and actresses.


In terms of researching music, we looked at how it can inspire and help come up with scenes and stories, it creates a scene in your head, depending on tempo, pitch and other aspects. It can take us back to a time period and can make us envision a person with an emotion in place at a certain time.


YouTube. 2018. The Danish Girl Official Trailer #1 (2015) – Eddie Redmayne, Alicia Vikander Drama HD – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2018].

YouTube. 2018. Alice In Wonderland – Clip: Alice Falls Into a Rabbit Hole (2010) | HD – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2018].

YouTube. 2018. Gucci Bloom: The Campaign Film – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2018].

YouTube. 2018. Full Metal Jacket Opening Scene – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2018].

YouTube. 2018. 2001 A Space Odyssey Opening in 1080 HD – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2018].

YouTube. 2018. The Shining Trailer – YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2018]



UAL Awarding Body Level 3 Diploma Project Proposal Doc.





Blog no. 55 Full Metal Jacket

we watched ‘Full Metal Jacket’ today, a film about the Vietnam war, where by we follow the story of characters like Joker and Cowboy.

The Vietnam war started in 1955 on the first of November and went on till the 30th of April 1975.

No one really won the war, a peace treaty was signed and the soldiers did well in the war but it is said that the politicians did not do as well when it came to winning the Vietnam war.

Records show that about 2 million civilians on both sides and some 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters died in the Vietnam War. The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died in the war.

Image result for iconic vietnam war photos

this picture from the Vietnam war shows a lot. The way we don’t see the soldiers face, makes them seem less human and the lady more so. We can see the fear on her face yet that is overuled by her bravery of standing there in front of the gun. We see that whoever this woman is, she is passionate about peace, we can see this because of the flower she holds in front the gun. The blur of everything around her but the gun shows that is what she faces and that is what she wants to overcome, a picture of a peaceful protest.

The is divided into three, beginning middle and end. From when Joker joined to when he was a writer to when he went on the front line and fought. Some may argue that it was divided into 4, including when Joker helped out the soldier who was being bullied.

I definitely feel that in the divided parts of the film, we see a character development of Joker, first of he was shy, he then turned to help someone and we see a paternal kind of side to him and then we see the cocky version of him, whereby his confidence peaks, being a real Joker.

Most of the characters with their rifles, respect and pray to their rifles on a level that doesn’t come across as obsessive but the one character that really does treat his rifle strangely is the soldier who struggled to participate in the activities. He ends up treating the rifle in a strange and parental manner, unlike the other soldiers.

I definitely believe the soldiers are taught to worship their guns, as they pray to them and appear to even sleep with them, this is really shown when one of the soldiers ends up talking to his gun at night.

The film relates o problems with firearms because they show if treat them like gods, we use them in wrong ways, causing harm to lots of people.

In the film it shows that when the army tries to uniform the army, people want to rebel and in turn, go mad trying to free themselves from it.

Because of this, I definitely feel like the film is about individuality because it shows how important it is for everyone to be different. Each character in the film has their own trait like Joker being funny and his glasses play a large part in his character too. His peace badge make him stand out too.

I do believe that in some sense you do have to lose your humanity to kill but i’d argue that it doesn’t make you any less of a human in this scenario as it is your job to do so.

The Born to Kill quote on the hat is almost a sarcastic comment compared to Jokers peace badge which appears to be more of a protect. They contrast each other a lot.

I believe that at the end we see a much more serious side of Joker and we see that he has lost his more caring side since he was at the training camp on the island.

The Mickey Mouse song at the end almost shows the soldiers childish side and how they still have that with them. I guess it is also a reminder of home as Mickey Mouse is American so it would be a reminder of their childhood and where they’re from as well.

The only other Vietnam themed film I have watched was Forrest Gump which touched on both serious sides and comedic aspects among  soldiers. In fact, they are in some ways very similar because they both show comedy value and an aspect of caring for others.